Alien Hominid, Chibi Kawaii Cat, Bunny and Bear Amigurumi Patterns
I was working on a new pattern for a flexible pattern that could be made into various cute, chibi-style animals or humanoid forms, when my husband pointed out how well suited the head shape was to make the pattern into an Alien Hominid. Not content with just a kitty, bear and bunny rabbit, and eager to implement any aspect of nerdery possible, I endeavored to make his dreams come true and set about crafting him his very own Alien Hominid, which he adores.
This pattern is a flexible chibi-style pattern that can be modified to make any cute chibi style animal or humanoid. The oversize head, disproportionate limbs and tiny pot bellied body seal the pattern in the genre of chibi-deformed cuties. It is quite simple and works up fast, creating a finished doll around 4 inches tall in around 1 hour for most experienced crocheters. I have included patterns for bear, cat and rabbit ears and tails, however point out that a cat ear could be stitched to the front of a face to make a bird beak and bunny ears applied to the side of a head upside down make uncanny floppy dog ears. In other words, it is a versatile pattern, so go nuts and let your imagination get the best of you.
I was working on a new pattern for a flexible pattern that could be made into various cute, chibi-style animals or humanoid forms, when my husband pointed out how well suited the head shape was to make the pattern into an Alien Hominid. Not content with just a kitty, bear and bunny rabbit, and eager to implement any aspect of nerdery possible, I endeavored to make his dreams come true and set about crafting him his very own Alien Hominid, which he adores.
This pattern is a flexible chibi-style pattern that can be modified to make any cute chibi style animal or humanoid. The oversize head, disproportionate limbs and tiny pot bellied body seal the pattern in the genre of chibi-deformed cuties. It is quite simple and works up fast, creating a finished doll around 4 inches tall in around 1 hour for most experienced crocheters. I have included patterns for bear, cat and rabbit ears and tails, however point out that a cat ear could be stitched to the front of a face to make a bird beak and bunny ears applied to the side of a head upside down make uncanny floppy dog ears. In other words, it is a versatile pattern, so go nuts and let your imagination get the best of you.