Portal 2 Playset – Chell with Weighted Companion Cube and Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device
The ongoing PSN outage has been doing wonders for my amigurumi productivity, but has also left me searching for single player games to focus on. Portal 2 has been a recent acquisition and focus of mine, and since a weighted companion cube was a recurring theme in the requests generated by the call for pattern suggestions post, a playset made perfect sense. Initially I wanted to make Wheatley and a Turret (I’m different!), but those types of ambitions tend to end up in me getting distracted and abandoning projects midway through, so I turfed those two and may pick them up later on. Chell is wired and can be posed but because the portal device is so fragile, I don’t dare move her arms much at all.
As with most of my creations, the pattern is free and included but be warned… this is no beginner pattern. You should be familiar with amigurumi crochet techniques, reading patterns and be willing to assemble, cobble on and fiddle with little maddening pieces, wiring and glue… but in the end it will be worth it I promise… for science. More pictures and the epic pattern after the jump!
The ongoing PSN outage has been doing wonders for my amigurumi productivity, but has also left me searching for single player games to focus on. Portal 2 has been a recent acquisition and focus of mine, and since a weighted companion cube was a recurring theme in the requests generated by the call for pattern suggestions post, a playset made perfect sense. Initially I wanted to make Wheatley and a Turret (I’m different!), but those types of ambitions tend to end up in me getting distracted and abandoning projects midway through, so I turfed those two and may pick them up later on. Chell is wired and can be posed but because the portal device is so fragile, I don’t dare move her arms much at all.
As with most of my creations, the pattern is free and included but be warned… this is no beginner pattern. You should be familiar with amigurumi crochet techniques, reading patterns and be willing to assemble, cobble on and fiddle with little maddening pieces, wiring and glue… but in the end it will be worth it I promise… for science. More pictures and the epic pattern after the jump!