The ongoing PSN outage had been doing wonders for my amigurumi productivity, but had also left me searching for single player games to focus on. Portal 2 was a fun acquisition and focus for me, and since a weighted companion cube was a recurring theme in the requests generated by the call for pattern suggestions post, a playset made perfect sense. Initially I wanted to make Wheatley and a Turret (I’m different!), but those types of ambitions tend to end up in me getting distracted and abandoning projects midway through, so I turfed those two and may pick them up later on. Chell is wired and can be posed but because the portal device is so fragile, I don’t dare move her arms much at all. Lots of people have commented they aren’t fans of how I did the face, but you have the freedom to style the doll however you like!
As with most of my creations, the pattern is free and included but be warned… this is no beginner pattern. You should be familiar with amigurumi crochet techniques, reading patterns and be willing to assemble, cobble on and fiddle with little maddening pieces, wiring and glue… but in the end it will be worth it I promise… for science.
Yarn Colours and Stitches Used
SC = Single Crochet
SL ST = Slip Stitch
CH = Chain
INVDEC = Invisible Decrease
INC = Increase (2 SC in one stitch)
DC = Double Crochet
DC INC = Double Crochet Increase (2 DC in one stitch)
TC = Triple or Treble Crochet
This pattern was made using worsted weight cotton yarn using a 3.5 mm crochet hook. All stitches are worked in both loops right side out unless otherwise noted.
Weight Companion Cube
Cube Panels (make 6)
Start in Platinum (a medium gray colour). Work in joined rounds (join to first stitch from the round with a slip stitch and CH. The slip stitch and first CH do not count as a stitch.
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 7; (7) join CH
2. INC x 7; (14) join CH
3. SC then INC; repeat x 6; (21) join CH
4. SC then INC then SC; repeat x 5; (28) join CH
5. SC 2, DC INC, TC, DC INC, SC 2; repeat sequence x 3; (36) join then finish off and keep a long tail for sewing panels together. Assemble in a cube shape over a cube skeleton made of size 10 or 7 plastic cross stitch mesh (plastic canvas) that has already been cut and stitched together to form a solid cube. Stuff the cube prior to sewing it shut. Hold panels in place using headpins and stitch panels using a whip stitch to sew the back loops together.
Circles (make 6)
Start in misty gray (a light gray colour). Work in joined rounds (join to first stitch from the round with a slip stitch and CH. The slip stitch and first CH do not count as a stitch.
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 7; (7) join CH
2. INC x 7; (14) join with SL ST
3. SL ST around the circle then finish off leaving a long tail for sewing the circle to the panel
Cut out tiny pink heats from felt and attach to discs. Attach circles to the center of each panel with headpins and stitch in place or fabric glue.
Corners (make 8 pieces)
Start in misty gray (a light gray colour).
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 6; (6)
2. SL ST into the first stitch CH 3 then DC, in the next stitch DC then CH then SL ST; that sequence creates the first nub of the three nub corner piece. Repeat the sequence twice to complete the round then finish off leaving a long tail for sewing.
Nubblies (make 12)
Start in misty gray (a light gray colour).
CH x 4 (the following stitches are worked in both sides of the CH)
1. working in the front loop as you normally would and starting at the the second CH from your hook, INC, SC, then INC then pop over to the back loop of the same CH and INC, SC then INC in the back loops of your CHs. SL ST to join to the first stitch and finish off leaving a long tail.
Start in Off White
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined rounds.
1. SC x 6; (6)
2. INC x 6; (12)
3. SC then INC; repeat x 5; (18)
4. SC x 3, INC x 3, SC x 3; repeat; (24)
5. SC x 3, INC, SC, INC, SC. INC, SC, SC x 3; repeat; (30)
6. SC around; (30)
7-11. repeat round 6 for rounds 7 through 11; (30)
12. SC x 3, INVDEC; repeat x 5; (24)
13. SC, INVDEC, SC; repeat x 5; (18)
14. SC, INVDEC x 2, SC x 5, INVDEC x 2, SC x 4; (14)
15. INVDEC x 6; finish off and leave a long tail for sewing.
Start in Sunburst, this is worked from the bottom up to the neck in joined rounds. The first SL ST and CH do not count as a stitch.
1. SC x 6; (6) join then CH
2. INC x 6; (12) join then CH
3. SC then INC; repeat x 5; (18) join then CH
4. SC x 8, IN; repeat; (20) join then CH
5. SC around; (20) join then CH
6. SC around; (20) join then CH
7. SL ST around, finish off and weave end in on the wrong (inside)
Switch to Off White yarn
Hook into back loop of round 7 and work in these stitches around.
8. SC around; (20) join then CH
Return to working in both loops.
9. SC x 8, INVDEC; repeat; (18) join then CH
10. SC x 18; join then CH
Switch to White yarn.
11. SL ST around front loop of round 10; (18)
Work round 12 in the top loop of the SL STs from round 11
12. SC around; (18) join then CH
13. SC x 2, INVDEC, SC x 2; repeat x 2; (15) join then CH
14. SC x 3, INVDEC; repeat x 3; (12) join then CH and SL ST around in white, finish off and weave end in on wrong side.
Switch to Off White
15. SC then INVDEC; repeat x 3; (8) finish off and leave long tail for sewing head on.
Hair Cap
Start in dark brown (Truffle)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined rounds.
1. SC 8; (8)
2. INC x 8; (16)
3. SC, INC; repeat x 7; (24)
4. SC, INC, SC; repeat x 7 (32)
5. SC x 6, INC x 4, SC x 6; repeat; (40)
6. SC x 40; repeat; (40)
7. SC x 40; repeat; (40)
Finish off, leave a long tail for sewing to head.
Bang Chunks (make 4, two for each side of the face)
Hook into hair cap, CH x 3, TC, finish off and leave a long tail to stitch in place.
Side Burns
Hook into hair cap.
Right side: SL ST, SC, SC, DC, DC, TC, TC, finish off and leave long tail to stitch in place.
Left side: CH 3, TC, DC, DC, SC, SC, SL ST finish off and leave long tail to stitch in place.
Pin all of the hair down with headpins and stitch in place once all piece are down. You can add more if you want to.
Pony Tail
Start in dark brown (Truffle)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined rounds.
1. SC 6; (6)
2. SC, INC; (9)
3. SC x 9; (9)
4. SC, INC, SC; repeat x 2; (12)
5. SC x 12; (12)
6. SC, INVDEC, SC; repeat x 3; (8)
7. INVDEC x 3; finish off and sew shut then stitch to back of hair cap once pinned in place.
Arm (make 2)
Start in Off White
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like. Work this in a spiral and not joined rounds.
1. SC 6; (6)
2-7. SC, around for rounds 2 through 7; (6)
Finish off and leave a long tail for sewing to body.
Leg (make 2)
Start in White. Work in joined rounds (join to first stitch from the round with a slip stitch and CH. The slip stitch and first CH do not count as a stitch.)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 6; (6) join CH
2 – 4. SC around for rounds 2 through 4; (6) join CH
Switch to orange yarn
5. SC around; (6) join CH
6. SC, INC; repeat x 2; (9) join CH
Finish off and leave long tail for switching to body.
Attach a small black felt panel to the bottom of the white boot and add a black wire to simulate the shock absorbing “Long Fall Boots”.
Jumpsuit Tied Around Waist
Start in Sunburst. This piece is stitch to the waist to simulate the jumpsuit Chell has tied around her waist. It can be optional if you want to streamline the pattern.
CH 31
1. SC x 30; CH 1, turn work (30)
2. Skip first stitch, SC x 3, INC, SC 3, INC, SC x 2, SL ST, CH then turn work (13)
3. SC x 13, SC up the remaining ridge of the work to finish it off (should be about 4 stitches)
Finish off and leave a long tail for stitching to waist.
Portal Device
Black Core
Start in Black. Work in joined rounds (join to first stitch from the round with a slip stitch and CH. The slip stitch and first CH do not count as a stitch.)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 5; (5) join CH
2 – 7. SC around for rounds 2 through 7; (5) join CH
Work round 8 in the front loop only
8. INC, SC; repeat; INC; (8) join
Finish off and weave tail on inside. Insert and secure with glue, a wire to the inside of the barrel to ensure the device is sturdy and holds it’s shape. Paint or add a bead at the opening (the flared end) in the colour of your choice.
Larger Panel for Back
Start in White. Work in joined rounds (join to first stitch from the round with a slip stitch and CH. The slip stitch and first CH do not count as a stitch.)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 6; (6) join CH
2. INC x 6; (12) join CH
3. SC x 2, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC, SC x 2; (16) join CH
4. SC x 5, INC, SC, INC, SC, INC, SC x 3, SL ST x 3, SL ST around the entire panel. Weave in tail on wrong side and finish off.
Smaller Panel for Front
Start in White. Work in joined rounds (join to first stitch from the round with a slip stitch and CH. The slip stitch and first CH do not count as a stitch.)
CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.
1. SC x 6; (6) join CH
Panels should be stitched to the gun using embroidery thread because the pieces are so small, using yarn can warp the shape too much. A good fabric glue can work well also. Using wire or cut piece of black bobby pins, create and glue in place the grabby things and wiring for the portal device.
2. INC, DC INC, INC; repeat; join then finish off and weave in tail on wrong side
I used cut bobby pins for the claw type things and bent vinyl coated paper clips I coated in black acrylic paint for the wiring. Anchor the pieces into the panels using fabric glue to secure.